The Real Profit Story is not just about your selling price, your food cost, the number of servings per day, and your opening hours. How about the hidden costs?

The One-Shot Corporation is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 02425145. Registered office: Seven Stars House, 1, Wheler Road, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV3 4LB, England.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Australian Post

Any Australians or New Zealanders out there? Please join our regional Facebook page for exciting news releases about our OneShot Swirl program (yum).
Posted by The One-Shot Corporation Limited on Thursday, 14 March 2019

We have had a busy week in Australia, as you can see here from watching Laura, our new Australian spokeswoman. The first quarter of 2019 has been extremely busy with trade shows around the globe and the launch of new flavours in different countries, so things are really buzzing, which is awesome news to report. 

Welcome to breaking exhibition news from the One-Shot corporation.
Here we are on another exhibition stand and we are in the middle of a large number of global trade shows across the globe. This first quarter we have sold a lot of One-Shot pod dispensers and in Australia things are getting really exciting with our ice cream and frozen yogurt. What has been happening over here has been amazing. The exhibition stand that you see here is one of many popping up around the world and we are steadily gaining exciting international market share. In 2018 our manufacturing division underwent a great deal of expansion restructuring to meet the needs and demands of our clients across the globe. With a frozen dessert system that requires no sanitising, why would you honestly need anything else? That is exactly what a lot of our customers are thinking. For more information, checkout our website at or call us at 0419 727 322 and we look forward to hearing from you.
Posted by The Real Soft Serve Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt Profit Story on Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Next week there will be more exciting news announcements and you will be hearing more from Laura about what is happening in Australia. You can also see from the commercial's movie viewer count that a lot of people are watching Laura’s announcements, which is hardly surprising, as our Australian team are rather busy with a lot going on. 

At the heart of our core philosophy is our belief that no sanitizing is a moral imperative and you never know who you might be serving next. Our machines are inexpensive and uncomplicated, plus with nearly 2,000,000,000 portions consumed globally, we have a lot of customers around the globe that love our dispensing system.

With a frozen dessert system that requires no sanitising, why would you honestly need anything else? That is exactly what a lot of our customers are thinking.

Please also pop over to to read about the One-Shot® ice cream and frozen yogurt pod dispensers with costings discussed at Have you read about our other unique selling points?   

* Perfect portion control
* Perfect cost control
* Low cost equipment
* No sanitizing
* No waste
* No heat emission
* Plug-and-go
* Energy consumption less than a 100w light bulb!
* Quiet operation

Please also follow us here on our blog as we publish more global news. Watch out, no matter where you are, the One-Shot® dispensing system is coming your way!™

For international information about the One-Shot® dispensing system, please contact:

Gary McGill, MA, MBA, FCMI
Director of Global Marketing
The One-Shot Corporation Limited
70 Churchill Square Business Centre
Kings Hill
ME19 4YU
Tel: + 44 1732 525925
Fax: + 44 1732 525825

* One-Shot® is a licensed Trade Mark from the One-Shot Corporation Limited, England.  

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