Mission Success! 470,000 Facebook LIKES milestone
On 14 August 2018 our company Facebook page achieved and surpassed 470,000 global Facebook LIKES.
Posted by The One-Shot Corporation Limited on Tuesday, 14 August 2018
To help illustrate how busy things are over here, our company Facebook page has reached and surpassed over 470,000 global LIKES. That is an incredible testimonial to our success with such HUGE global interest and we are now 47% of the way to 1,000,000 (one MILLION) Facebook LIKES.
Why not LIKE us? Simply head over to https://bit.ly/2PhaYA3 and we would be honoured to have the extra connection. There is a lot of exciting news coming down the line and we are gaining market share, which is fantastic, plus you will be surprised by the names popping up that have adopted One-Shot®.

We have got unprecedented MASSIVE publicity directed to hundreds of thousands of people across the globe and the response to something inexpensive (with fast ROI), uncomplicated and no sanitising has been incredible.
The One-Shot® pod dispensing system has a number of exciting unique selling points.

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